Clotted cream ice cream, proper job

Clotted cream ice cream

Dieters look away now!

Clotted cream (shown above ) is most prevalent in the West Country though can be bought in most supermarkets in the UK. The expression ‘proper job’ is an expression of satisfaction and usually accompanied with a knowing and agreeable nod.

Ingredients for the ice cream

300 g Clotted cream

300 g Finest quality store-bought fresh custard or make your own if you prefer.

100 g milk

a scant pinch of salt

The seeds from a vanilla pod – store vanilla pod in chilli orange  vanilla sugar

Method for the Clotted Cream Ice Cream

If you have the time and inclination to make the custard go for it, alternatively

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Then taste if it isn’t sweet enough add some agave or golden syrup and a little more vanilla to suit you palette.

Leave to infuse for an hour if possible.

Process in an ice cream machine this is a rich, luxurious and the ultimate in luxe vanilla ice cream

Food stylist tip: Make the quenelle using two warmed dessert spoons to make, passing from one to another, the warm ( hand hot ) spoons will give an ultra smooth shine to the quenelle.

Enjoy! x

7 thoughts on “Clotted cream ice cream, proper job

  1. Pingback: More than just a Chocolate tart | ice cream magazine

  2. OOH! Sinful and delicious! Unfortunately, clotted cream is not in the lexicon of Canadian grocers. Even the ‘exotic’ sections don’t have it. Boohoo.

  3. Pingback: Saturday Spotlight : Rodda’s – Keepers Of The Cream | The Botanical Baker

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